Thursday, October 15, 2015

Is Big Pharma bribing YOUR doctor to prescribe you Diabetes medication

If you have Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-diabetes, or high blood sugar, you’ll want to hear this:
Diabetes medication manufacturer Sanofi was just caught bribing doctors hundreds of millions of dollars to prescribe diabetes drugs…
…whether or not it was the best option for the patient.
When I heard this, I was furious. How could I know if medication was the best option for my high blood sugar, when they’re bribing doctors to prescribe it?
But I was about to discover something even worse:
It’s not just Sanofi. Of the top 25 pharmaceutical companies, 11 have bribed doctors to prescribe their drugs.
And 24 have committed some other type of fraud, whether inflating prices, or lying about a drug’s side effects.
That’s right: 24 out of the 25 top pharmaceutical companies have committed fraud.
They put profits first, without caring what happens to their patients.
That’s why I hadn’t heard of this new diabetes research 
It’s a natural method to reverse your high blood sugar and Type 2 Diabetes. It was developed by researchers at Newcastle University.
It works by “jumpstarting” your pancreas, which lowers your blood sugar, and eliminates your need for diabetes medication.
Big Pharma keeps bribing doctors to prescribe their drugs, so news about this new solution isn’t spreading.
That’s why I’m sending you this email right now. I want you to help spread the news, and use this natural method to jumpstart your pancreas and normalize your own blood sugar…
…so you can eliminate your need for diabetes medication and insulin shots.
To see this method for yourself, (and to see the details about the fraud of big pharma), click the link below.
Stay Healthy,
 Diabetes medication manufacturer Sanofi was just caught bribing doctors hundreds of millions of dollars to prescribe diabetes drugs…

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3-Step Pancreas Jumpstart Trick Reverses Diabetes in 11 Days

The breaking news is that Diabetes Big Pharma executives can’t believe their eyes…
Thanks to new research from Newcastle University in England, people all over the world are permanently destroying their Type 2 Diabetes.
They can’t believe this “radical” medical researcher (tired of seeing his friends’ legs amputated from diabetic comas) discovered the fraud that keeps diabetics trapped in a vicious sickness cycle, while making Diabetes Big Pharma RICH.
In righteous anger, he finally created a ‘diabetes destroying system’  so powerful…that would bring Diabetes Big Pharma to its knees. (While saving his friends’ legs).
A system so potent, that it has already reversed the diabetes conditions for 10,000’s of ‘test’ patients without taking away their favorite foods.
And he just did the craziest thing…releasing his proven research for FREE on the Internet…including the exact 3-step “Pancreas Jumpstart” Trick that reverses diabetes permanently…
My advice is to suspend your doubts, and test it for yourself today before Diabetes Big Pharma shuts it down.
Simply implement the “Pancrease Jumpstart” Trick & see results in as little as 11 Days…
…And finally be free of Type 2 Diabetes & all of its dreadful consequences, once and for all.

Stay Healthy,

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The REAL cause of Type 2 Diabetes and the solution

A brilliant but troubled medical researcher just discovered the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes…

…and created a solution that could end Type 2 Diabetes forever.
Early last year, Dr. Roy Taylor of Newcastle University, solved a medical mystery:
He discovered the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes (and it’s NOT what doctors thought).
The truth is, it’s NOT about skinny vs. fat.
It’s NOT about how much fat your body stores… it’s about where your body stores that fat.
Type 2 Diabetes occurs when your body creates fat deposits in 1 deadly location in your body.
Armed with this new discovery…
Dr. Taylor created an “at-home” method to destroy those diabetes-causing fat deposits.
He proved his method works in scientific trials, and now his method is available to the public.
You can try it for yourself today, and never again have to stick yourself with painful test needles.
To start using Dr. Taylor’s at-home method to destroy your Type 2 Diabetes, click the link below.
 A brilliant but troubled medical researcher just discovered the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes

Big Pharma is FURIOUS about this leaked diabetes solution

Big Pharma wants to silence this rogue researcher…
…because he’s discovered the secret to destroy your Type 2 Diabetes without injections, pills, or other criminally priced medication.
These fatcat CEOs want to keep their $4.5 billion profits, even if it means bribing doctors to prescribe you their drugs.
But it turns out, the secret to destroying your diabetes was right under our noses.
In fact, the solution was so obvious it’s infuriating. You’ll wonder why it took 50 years for doctors to realize it.
Because this “at-home” method has helped thousands of people…
  • Normalize blood sugar and insulin levels…
  • Get rid of insulin resistance…
…and throw away their diabetes medication forever.
How much money is diabetes big pharma taking from you each year? $1000? $5000? $10,000? Think about what you could with that money if you could throw away your diabetes medication.
To see this obvious, “at-home” solution, and say goodbye to your Type 2 Diabetes, click the link below.
>>>Click here to see the solution

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What destroyed their diabetes?

It was the biggest medical mystery of the century:
Every year, thousands of people’s Type 2 Diabetes disappeared
…and not even their doctors could say why!
Finally, in 2013, a rogue researcher found the answer:
An “at-home” solution, to naturally and safely reverse your Type 2 Diabetes permanently.
This solution saved David’s legs from amputation! To hear his story and how thousands of others have done the same, click the link below.
 It was the biggest medical mystery of the century: Every year, thousands of people’s Type 2 Diabetes disappeared…

For decades, medical researchers have been struggling to reverse Type 2 Diabetes.
But last year…
They finally found the solution:
Patients everywhere are using this “Pancreas Jumpstart,” to control their blood sugar and reverse their Type 2 Diabetes.
What is this new secret?
>>Click here to find out

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Jump Manual for muscle contraction

We created the 3 top exercises training your vertica
These exercises can't be found anywhere else... 
HD videos show you exactly how to do every single exercise.
Every day we tell you exactly what to do... just follow the chart

What AND when to eat for maximum gains.
Our "Lean Power Protocol" workout ensure maximum gains.
  • What to eat BEFORE AND AFTER workouts that helps muscles grow 20% faster.
  • The "nutritient timing" secret that naturally and safely increases your muscle growing hormones.
  • Easy to follow dies using normal foods burns fat while incrasing lean muscle development.

Additional Technique workouts to gain 2 - 6" in 45 minutes.
Never before seen technique videos and workbook.
  • How changing your last step before you jump will add at least 2" to your vertical leap - I call it the "trampoline effect" or "penultimate step."
  • How "pre ground contact acceleration" can increase your vertical immediately by adding power and spring through your tendons (not your muscles).
  • Why "muscle memory" will have you NEVER gaining inches on your vertical, and how to stop it today.
  • How to systemically increase the "electrial impulse" that your brain sends your muscles - In science it called "neural drive."
 The Jump Manual for muscle contraction

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What Are The Symptoms of Acid Reflux?

It is widely agreed among physicians and medical paraprofessionals, that initial diagnosis, mostly by using a typical acid reflux symptoms questionnaire, is necessary to ensure the most effective and quick treatment for this condition. Approx 70% of the acid reflux diagnostics that are based on the presence of typical symptoms are accurate. Since acid reflux, also called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), can cause patients a great deal of discomfort and result in severe complications, it is highly important to know how to identify its symptoms in order to quickly diagnose and treat it.

The most common symptom of GERD is persistent heartburn. Heartburn is experienced as an unpleasant and painful burning sensation in the esophageal area. Other typical symptoms are as follows:
 What Are The Symptoms of Acid Reflux
1. Gastric regurgitation, which means an unrestricted reversed flow of gastric or esophageal contents into the throat. This gastric fluid can cause respiratory complications under certain conditions.

2. Odynophagia, which means pain when swallowing.

3. Dysphagia, which means difficulty swallowing, or the feeling of food stuck in the throat.

In addition to the above, about 50% of all gastroesophageal reflux disease sufferers report the co-occurrence of sinonasal symptoms (i. e. symptoms pertaining to the nose and sinuses).

Abnormal GERD symptoms include chronic wheezing and coughing (sometimes referred to as acid reflux related asthma, and are caused by the aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs area), spasmodic noncardiac chest pain and damage to the lungs, often followed by respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and asthma. Intense chest pain may closely resemble that of myocardial infarction that it has often been incorrectly interpreted as a heart attack. However, unlike the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, cardiovascular chest pain is usually aggravated during physical exercise.

Finally, acid reflux can also harm the vocal cords (hoarseness, laryngitis, cancer), ears (otitis media), and teeth (enamel decay). Being able to identify those symptoms as GERD related is of great importance to your health and general well being and for the prevention of potential complications. Acid reflux symptoms might serve as evidence to severe overall internal imbalance. In addition to that, neglected gastroesophageal reflux disease can lead to significant physical discomfort and sometimes can results in chronic and even dangerous health conditions, such as esophageal cancer and pneumonia.

This article is based on the book, "Heartburn No More" by Jeff Martin. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate acid reflux solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of heartburn and acid reflux and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting his website: Click Here!

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Candida Yeast Infection Treatment : Desensitization (EPD ) For Candida

There is a relatively effective though one-dimensional treatment for candida yeast infection called immunotherapy. In this treatment yeast infection patients are ordered to avoid the consumption of basically all yeasty foods and sugary foods and are given allergenic substance in dilute doses normally in the form of oral drops or injection to enhance the immune abilities of the body and reduce the allergic response. 
 Candida Yeast Infection Treatment

The method also called Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) was developed by Len McEwen, M.D. (London) in the mid-60's. The newest form of this treatment is called Low Dose Allergens or LDA. 

In this treatment the patients receive up to three injections every two months and for a maximum period of two years, depending on the patients response to the therapy. The enzymes are suppose to enhance the candida infection strength and may treat several other groups of allergens along the way. 

The EPD treatment for candida yeast infection goes like this: 

For a period of ten days before the first injection, the patients are given Sporanox, which is an anti fungal for systematic candida, and De-Nol an anti- gastric ulcer agent that reduces the ability of candida to plant its roots in the mucus linings of the intestinal tract. 

For approximately 3 days before the injection, patients undergo a semi-fast in which they need to avoid the consumption of all food allergens combined with the intake of the following supplements that improve the effectiveness of the EPD treatment: Zinc, Folic acid and Vitamin D3. 

The response of the EPD treatment for candida yeast infection varies among patients. Some patients may experience sudden and dramatic improvement that wears off in time while some need increased doses through longer intervals until improvement is maintained. 

Either way, EPD is not a permanent solution for candida. EPD is after all a one-dimensional treatment that focuses merely on the dietary and allergy reaction factor that trigger candida overgrowth. EPD’s effects wear off in time and If you have significant gut problems, bacterial infections, parasites or systematic candida, EPD will not work. 

The only way one can ever overcome candida yeast infection is by tackling all candida-contributing factors, the holistic way, not just the dietary or allergy triggering factors. By fixing the internal cause of candida overgrowth, all candida related symptoms would banish, permanently along with the feeling of increased energy, improved vision, health and well-being. 

This article is based on the book, "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects.
Learn more by visiting her website: Click Here!

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

rop a jeans size in 9 days the beta switch

Most women have have lost faith in their ability to slim down the stubborn fat on their thighs, hips, butt or the backs of their arms…
Maybe you’ve felt this before too?… You go on a “diet” and lose a bunch of weight, yet when you look in the mirror your “trouble spots” actually look WORSE…
And there’s no way you’re fitting back into the “skinny jeans” waiting for you in the closet.
Truth is, you may have actually stored MORE fat on your troublesome fat zones, even as you lost weight from other parts of your body! Sounds crazy right?…
There’s even a name for it… Female-Pattern Fat Storage.
And it’s caused by something called “adrenorecptors” on your fat cells. You’ve got two kinds…
Your Beta receptors are the good guys — they trigger fat burning
Your Alpha receptors are naughty — they trigger fat storage!…
Now the bad news…
It’s now clear that women have 9X more Alpha receptors on their stubborn fat!…
Common nutrition advice and excessive exercise can actually trigger your Alpha receptors and suppress your Beta receptors — causing you to strip fat from your easy-to-lose areas and re-store it on your trouble spots. Uh oh!
My good friend and Australian body transformation specialist Sue Heintze battled with this for years…
In fact, when she was in her teens, her mom and sister used to tease her: “Sue, you’re bum is getting big…”
That lead to decades of battling body image issues, and lead her to become a fitness competitor and one of the most sought after female fatloss experts in the world…
Yet she still battled with stubborn bum and thigh fat until she stumbled on some hidden research that revealed the connection between your Beta receptors and the solution to trouble spot fat
Since then, she has tested and perfected it on herself and thousands of women via her books and programs. You can meet some of those women on this page.
Now, she is finally ready to release the full system!
It’s called The Beta Switch.
And it’s the only complete weight loss lifestyle for women that specifically targets your female-pattern fat by switching on the fat-burning power of your Beta receptors, without restricting your favorite foods or doing excessive exercise.
To celebrate the release, TODAY you will also be receiving Sue’s popular 9 Day Drop A Jeans Size Diet absolutely FREE as a thank you for taking action…
 Most women have have lost faith in their ability to slim down the stubborn fat on their thighs, hips, butt or the backs of their arms…

9 Day Drop A Jeans Size Diet <— FREE bonus (expires midnight)
One last thing…
There are a 3 MORE *FREE* bonuses you get instant access to as well.
Just click this link and go check it out:
-PS- Remeber, the 9 Day Drop A Jeans Size Diet is not be available ANYWHERE else, at any price… Make sure you secure your copy now…

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Monday, October 5, 2015

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Quick Acne Treatments Exposed: The Truth Behind Miracle Acne Cures 

Can acne be cured quickly and without effort? Is there really a revolutionary acne treatment overlooked by the medical establishment that wipes off acne in days?

The recent proliferation of quick fix acne treatments, miracle cures, and instant acne formulas, has caused consumers to wonder if these alternatives are actually worth their hopes and hard earned cash. Can there be an overwhelmingly easy to follow and quick acne treatments that produce results in days?

The difference between simple and easy

If someone has mild to moderate acne that is uncommonly triggered by allergy to certain foods, then they can often begin to clear their acne very quickly and easily, relative to their previous disappointing results. All they have to do is improve their nutrition by eliminating these acne-aggravating foods and a quantum leap can often be made.

With that distinction made, let me state unequivocally that achieving permanent clear skin is never really “easy”. There is always effort and discipline involved, as there is with any worthwhile achievement. Endlessly searching for an easier way, a fairy tale quick fix, a miracle cure, a holy grail, is a misguided quest and it will lead you nowhere.

Curing acne is very simple, but for most people it is not easy. There's a big difference between simple and easy: "Simple" means the process is not complicated - if you do x and y you'll get the desired result. "Easy" implies that something can be done with little or no effort. Anyone who tells you they've discovered an “easy” or "very quick" way to clear acne is simply and boldly lying.

You can only reap what you sow

Achieving lasting clear skin requires two things:

1) You must be willing to put some effort

2) You must be patient

The problem with many people is that they are terrified from anything that appears to involve some work. They’re always looking for short cuts. As soon as they see something that promises to cure their acne "quickly," "easily," "effortlessly," "while they sleep," and so on, they whip out their wallets and take the bait.

Make no mistake; people who are prone to acne and have beautiful clear skin, especially celebrities and famous models, have worked very hard to get where they are. Many famous people with acne prone skin who now have flawless complexions have made a sacrifice to get there.

It's an absolute law of the universe that you can't get something for nothing. Your acne will fade away and your skin will become clear and glowing in direct proportion to the amount of effort you put in. You can only reap what you sow.

The 5 crucial components to an effective clear skin plan

An effective clear skin program must have five crucial components:

1. Internal and external cleansing

2. Internal strengthening and rejuvenating

3. Hormonal balancing

4. Lifestyle optimization

5. Goal setting and motivation

Except for those with acne triggered by allergies to food, it‘s extremely difficult (if not impossible) for most people to achieve permanent clear skin in days and without effort.

So there you have it. You have a solution. It's simple (just follow the steps) but it's not always easy. From here you decide what to do with your acne and your health. Like everything, in the end, it all comes down to your choices.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit:Click Here!

 Can acne be cured quickly and without effort? Is there really a revolutionary acne treatment overlooked by the medical establishment that wipes off acne in days?

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natural remedies for nasal polyps

Natural remedies for nasal polyps
You might be wondering why you always have trouble with your breathing, and why your nose passages are clogged up. Those symptoms could be the result of nasal polyps. If that is the case, when you visit the doctor, there will be two remedies recommended; treat the condition with steroids in the form of nasal spray or go for surgery. However, both these treatments are not permanent cures and are associated with a number of dangers and side effects.
The Cause
Nasal polyps can be identified as small or large, teardrop shaped masses of mucus. They are usually fairly movable and result from inflamed tissue in the passages of your nose and upper air ways. They usually start high up in the nose and grow over time, as your irritation increases.  They are non-cancerous, and can result from a number of reasons.
If you are born with a deviated septum resulting in a slightly skew nose, or if you had an accident that causes your nose to be deformed, then this can result in these mucus masses growing over time.  Another more common reason for them to appear is if you suffer from allergies which inflames and irritates the tissue in the nose.  Even poor air quality, like being shut up in a stuffy room for hours, or living in an area where the air has a lot of pollution in it, can trigger the growth of nasal polyps.
The Problem
This type of airway discomfort can be as small as a slight irritation, causing you to feel stuffy or occasionally you feel irritated in your nose. Or these polyps can result in far greater discomfort, causing serious problems and embarrassment. They often affect breathing, causing your nose to get clogged up and your nasal passages to close and resulting in you having to adopt 'mouth breathing', which is never a desirable trait in anyone. It can disrupt your sleep and can cause you to be more prone to colds and illnesses as you do not use your nose to filter the air you breathe. It can also cause you to not get enough oxygen intake; affecting your concentration and athletic abilities. All these are serious problems, and really negatively affect your everyday life.
Difficulty breathing and a stuffy nose are the result of nasal polyps, but there are other symptoms that help to distinguish it from just a normal common cold:
You have shortness of breath.
You yawn a lot as your body tries to compensate for lack of oxygen.
Your nose in continually stuffy or clogged.
You have difficulty sleeping.
Your ability to smell is considerably reduced.
Your ability to taste food is reduced.
Your nose often bleeds when you blow it.
Standard Treatment
These mucus growths are treatable to an extent with medical help, but the problem is that medical solutions only provide short term treatment. Steroids need to be used continuously to keep the polyps down and once you stop them, the polyps will grow to a larger size then they initially were. And you will HAVE to stop them eventually, because steroids are associated with a multitude of side effects such as a weakened immune system, stunted growth, vision problems, persistent headaches, and more…
Surgery is the other option. It is expensive and many medical-aids do not pay for this type of alteration as it is deemed as cosmetic; because it alters the structure of the nose. Worse, it is a known fact that surgery is not a permanent cure and most patients (about 70%) will experience a re-growth of the polyps in just weeks after surgery. In addition, there are also many risks involved with surgery. Due to the fact that the surgery is so close to your eyes; there is a risk of damage to your orbits, as well as to the nasal tissue and wall and even brain fluid leaking. Sometimes surgery leaves deep scars in your nose which are uglier than the polyps themselves.
A Natural Holistic Solution
There are a number of natural solutions which provide fast, effective treatment for polyps and many people report complete shrinkage in just a few days of treatment. Natural options are free of side effects and the body does not develop a tolerance. Then, once the polyps have shrunk down, you can implement specific vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your diet to ensure that the polyps never come up again. By including these nutrients, you will be effectively blocking the pathways which can trigger a polyp growth; for example you will keep the body in an anti-inflammatory state, and this will make nasal polyps re-growth impossible. In addition, these dietary changes will prove beneficial for your general health. In fact, many people find that they have more energy and get ill less often. This is because your immune system will be in a much stronger shape, enabling your body to fight off not only nasal polyps growths but other ailments as well.
For the full guide on treating nasal polyps naturally, permanently and safely, visit Manuel Richards' Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle™ Click Here! Manuel Richards is a certified nutritionist, biomedical researcher, holistic health consultant and the go-to guy when it comes to curing nasal polyps naturally and safely. His system, Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle™ Click Here! is the result of years of research and experimentation on natural remedies for nasal polyps, and has already cured thousands of people worldwide.

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23-Sec "TRICK" Flattens Your Belly If there was a 23-second Dr. created exercise that could flatten your belly and shrink your...

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