Monday, June 6, 2016

Free Paleo Diet eBook

Everything you need to know about eating Paleo packed into a convenient eBook. Includes 6 weeks 
 of free meal plans
Grab a copy now while they last and guarantee that today is the first day toward a future where you’ll be eating delicious, full meals all while losing weight, improving your health, and increasing your energy level

To download Brain Counter's "Paleo Diet Plan E-book Click Here

Thursday, February 25, 2016

tips to instantly build bigger arms

Your arms stop growing? 
I'll be frank, I'm getting tired of all this "functional training," talk. Come on!
Is that the reason you really got into lifting weights? It seems arm training
has taken a dip in popularity and this may be the case in some circles but
if you're REALLY honest I'm guessing you wanted arms that resembled a
SUPERHERO... and for that, doing DIRECT bicep and tricep workout will
NEVER go out of style. 
And having big, muscular arms that stretch your shirtsleeves will NEVER
EVER go out of style either, so today is a reminder that when you pick
up a copy of Ben Pakulski's MI40 System you'll also get his complete
21-day workout to BIGGER ARMS.  The same workout that packed
TWO INCHES on his arms in 3 weeks! RIDICULOUS!  I would be
happy with just 3/8ths of an inch!  
Get MI40 System + 21 Days to Bigger Arms FREEEE <---- Click here
Now onto our arm tips compliments of the big man himself... 
4 Uncommon Tips To BIGGER ARMS 
By Ben Pakulski 
Small muscles require less volume, and recover faster. Basic logic says,  
a smaller muscle has less overall total volume of muscle fibres. It takes  
LESS overall stimulus to fatigue these muscles and less overall training  
volume to exhaust glycogen stores (stored muscle energy).
Heavy weights are going to fatigue a greater overall percentage of muscle  
fibres in a shorter amount of time (aka less sets). Heavy weights also have  
the added benefit of stimulating "high threshold motor units". These are the  
muscle fibres that require a lot more stimulus to grow and respond, but also 
the fibres that are more likely to be responsible for muscle hypertrophy or GROWTH!
Arms receive a lot of stimulus on a regular basis. For most people, this tends to  
occur in the middle of the range of motion where the muscles are strongest. 
In order to get the arms to grow and respond, it is necessary to subject them to  
a different type of stimulus. One of the best ways to improve arm development is to  
subject them to more tension and continuous tension at the extremes of the range of 
motion (a.k.a, when a muscle is fully lengthened or fully shortened --where muscles 
are weakest). This will allow for greater time under tension as well as targeting different  
points of the strength curve to force the nervous system to adapt and stimulate new muscle 
The FIRST muscle to engage in ANY movement must be the muscle you are trying to target.
If you are working your biceps, to most effectively stimulate the bicep, it must be the muscle to
initiate the movement. As mentioned, muscles are weakest at those extremes and that makes
it LEAST likely to contract. This is where your conscious intent and control is vital! The best way
to ensure this is happening is to CONTRACT its antagonist muscle. This will ensure a fully lengthened
working muscle and make it much more likely that it will initiate the movement(provided youre using
proper control).
e.g. when working your bicep, to fully stretch your bicep at the bottom of the range, it is necessary to
contract your tricep before initiating the movement of contracting your bicep again.The opposite is true
when training triceps. Contract your biceps at the top of the range when a tricep is fully stretched(forearm
touches biceps).
Get MI40 System + 21 Days to Bigger Arms FREEEE <---- Click here

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Monday, February 22, 2016

belly flattening tricks

23-Sec "TRICK" Flattens Your Belly
If there was a 23-second Dr. created exercise that could flatten your belly and shrink your waistline fast without ever having to break a sweat, would you be interested in learning about it?

Of course you would! That's exactly what you'll learn today from my friend Dr. Vegher...

Have you heard of the new Dr. Created "Core Activation Sequence" Yet?

In just 23-seconds you can flatten your belly, while sitting in a chair and never having to break a sweat!

You can learn a 23-second "Core Activation Sequence" here...

=> Dr. Created 23-Second "Core Activation Sequence" Shrinks Your Belly Without Having To Break A Sweat!

Don't do these 3 ab exercises EVER!
The 3 Worst Ab Exercises For Men/Women

I just finished reading this new article about 3 of the worlds most popular ab exercises that you should NEVER do! Plus...

These 3 exercises can actually make your waistline get BIGGER! And...

#3 has been scientifically proven to HURT YOU 

There's one for men and one for women, just take your pick and give it a click...

MEN CLICK HERE ---> 3 Of The Worlds Most Popular Ab Exercises That Will NEVER Shrink Your Gut, Or Give You 6-Pack Abs (#3 Can Actually HURT YOU!)

WOMEN CLICK HERE ---> 3 Of The Worlds Most Popular Ab Exercises That Will NEVER Flatten Your Belly Or Give You Lean Toned Abs (#3 Can Actually HURT YOU!)

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belly flattening tricks

23-Sec "TRICK" Flattens Your Belly If there was a 23-second Dr. created exercise that could flatten your belly and shrink your...

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